Monday, October 14, 2024

"This is beyond revival. This will take a revolution."

"This is beyond revival.  This will take a revolution."

These were the closing words of one of the pastors in Trinidad, at the end of the workshop this past Saturday.  After two very good days together, with intense and deep discussions, he made this declaration with a bit of sadness, yet also an undercurrent of hope.  The pastors and leaders in attendance caught the vision for a paradigm shift of seeing the potential of equipping the 99%, of redefining the church as the people rather than the building, of seeking to fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission through fulfilling the Great Commitment.  They were excited, animated, and hopeful.

At the same time, they recognized the challenge of change.  We all know that change is not easy and that it is often slow-going.  And that is what the pastor was acknowledging.  We coach pastors and denominational leaders on four key challenges that a church may go through in accepting a workplace ministry:

  1. The challenge of people recognizing that this is what it means to be a Christian.  It is difficult to accept that worship is for all parts of life, including work.  It is difficult to accept that every person is in the fulltime ministry of giving glory to God, while our specific placement is different.  
  2. The challenge of the inward pull of the gathered church - this is very strong and difficult to change.  We have been focused on the building and it's programs for so long.  To understand the importance of the scattered church will take time.
  3. The challenge to the role of leaders - We do away with terms like "clergy" and "laity", recognizing that there is no holiness hierarchy; that there is simply the "people of God" and the "priesthood of all believers."  We want to work toward being a nation OF priests, rather than a nation WITH priests.  This challenge cuts both ways and can be difficult to accept by the church leaders and the members.
  4. The challenge of sustaining change.  When change starts to happen, it can be difficult to sustain it, until there is a natural and self-sustaining response to whole-life discipleship.  The process can be long and complex.  There may be spiritual resistance at the beginning but without intentionality, there may also be a drift back to what is traditional and familiar.
While this can feel like a bit of a downer, it's a piece of reality that we believe is important to impart to church leaders.  But we also give them some simple ways to start:
  1. You don't need to begin a series on work.  You just need to recognize that many of your listeners do work.
  2. You don't need to present a whole new vision to the church that will take years to be adopted.  You simply have to ask your members what God is doing in their workplace, and how they can join Him in that work.  
  3. Continue pastoral visits, but add in questions about their workplace, and how the church can better equip them to be a disciple in those places.  Take a position of a learner about workplace challenges.
  4. You don't have to spend a lot of time explaining to people what has changed in your perspective.  You could just invite people to come to a workshop to explore what would help them live more fruitfully for Christ.  
  5. You can start now.  
How did DML arrive in Trinidad?  We are working with an organization called Network for Christians in Business (NCB) led by Ladi Franklin.  NCB is an affiliate of Partners Worldwide, and I met Ladi many years ago when I worked for them.  We have connected on and off throughout the years, but in March of this year, she felt God very strongly telling her to work through the church.  She started asking questions about how that could be done and was directed to DML.  It was a joy to reconnect with her, in a much deeper way than before.  In the group picture, she is sitting to the left of me.

On Sunday, Ladi and her husband Vincent took me on a beautiful tour around the island.  So much beauty and an amazing history.  As is the case with most places, it is a history full of challenge and joy.  
One of the most amazing parts of the day was a small boat tour through canals that lead to the ocean, featuring so many mangrove trees (which are truly amazing), as well as many birds.  The most amazing bird is the national bird, the scarlet ibis.  We were there in the early evening when they all come to one island for the night, shared with other birds.  The flamingoes were there first, then the egrets and herons...and all of them move to the interior of the island as the scarlet ibis the dozens and then hundreds.  Here are a few pictures, although as always, you can't truly capture the experience in pictures!

Trinidad with a view toward Tobago

Vincent and Ladi Franklin, a dear brother and sister in the Lord!

The ridge of mountains in the distance is Venezuela!  Just 6.8 miles away!

Mangrove trees - such cool trees!  The roots grow down from the branches, acting like breathing tubes!

Flamingoes are the first to come to the island every evening...

...followed by egrets (in white), herons, and then the red dots are the scarlet ibis.

The beautiful scarlet ibis...the national bird of Trinidad.  So striking against the blue and green! 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Kingdom Hope Unfurled

A theme of this blog for the past several years is a Kingdom vision versus a church vision.  A Kingdom vision sees all the world flourishing as God originally intended, with every person being agents of reconciliation.  A church vision is often limited to the flourishing of the building and the people inside, and the work of the church is limited to volunteering for the programs of the church.  

Last week at Lausanne, we had an opportunity to glimpse a Kingdom vision, far beyond a church or denomination, with mechanical engineers, economic professors, pastors, and NGO leaders all sitting at the table to discuss what flourishing looks like for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

The Gettys were one of the worship teams during the week, and there is one song that I just can't get out of my head.  The name of the song is, "Facing a Task Unfinished" (sung to the tune of "The Church's One Foundation") - the lyrics and the YouTube video are below.  It is a beautiful song, with inspirational words that "rebukes our slothful ease," but the words that capture me are these:

We go to all the world, with Kingdom Hope unfurled...

"Kingdom hope unfurled."  What beautiful imagery!  The Kingdom of God, the author of hope, joy, peace, and flourishing, raising or unfurling a flag throughout the world.  A flag planted in soil makes a claim of ownership.  It is a Kingdom that promises good not evil, that provides meaning and purpose in every day for every person, where "my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands...for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them" (Isaiah 65:22-23). How we long to see this flag unfurled.  

How we long to see hope in the eyes of our brothers and sisters, both at home and around the world! 

How we long to see the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven; not waiting for the Lord's return, when that will be a sure thing, but actively participating and working toward it in our own ways, in our own sphere of influence!

I have the joy and pleasure of seeing lightbulbs go on when people realize that work is not a curse; that work is a gift; that work is more than a paycheck, but a chance to contribute to the flourishing of others; that their work matters to God; that they were created on purpose and for a purpose, which can be lived out every day; and that work can be done as an act of worship. What a privilege to see new hope on the faces of those who hear this message and then the stories of impact as they begin to live it out.  

This past week, the DML Zambia team had a zoom call with us to share with great excitement what is happening in the churches and businesses who are hearing and living out this message.  Their goal was to share their excitement and to be an encouragement to us!  It is calls like that that gives me hope to believe that Christians can be agents of reconciliation in bringing about "kingdom hope unfurled."

This week, I travel to Trinidad and Tobago to share the message of "work as worship."  Another new country, another new culture, another new opportunity to work with like-minded brothers and sisters in participating in this message.  Please pray for this seed to find a home where it too can flourish.

And if you don't know this song, please click the link below.  But beware, it may also get stuck in your head!

Keith & Kristyn Getty - Facing A Task Unfinished (Lyric Video) (

Facing a Task Unfinished 

Facing a task unfinished, That drives us to our knees, A need that undiminished, Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee, Renew before Thy throne, The solemn pledge we owe Thee, To go and make Thee known
Where other Lords beside Thee, Hold their unhindered sway, Where forces that defied Thee, Defy Thee still today
With none to heed their crying, For life and love and light, Unnumbered souls are dying, And pass into the night
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
We bear the torch that flaming, Fell from the hands of those, Who gave their lives proclaiming, That Jesus died and rose
Ours is the same commission, The same glad message ours, Fired by the same ambition, To Thee we yield our powers
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
O Father who sustained them, O Spirit who inspired, Saviour, whose love constrained them, To toil with zeal untired
From cowardice defend us, From lethargy awake!, Forth on Thine errands send us, To labour for Thy sake
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
Chorus: We go to all the world, His kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Beauty of the Global Church

Dear Friends,

I arrived home on Saturday night around midnight, exhausted and spent after a month on the road, from Uganda to Singapore to Indonesia to South Korea.  But despite a thirteen-hour time change and hours and hours of travel, there was a deep joy in my heart.  I experienced a phenomenal gift when I saw the global church at work in Lausanne.  It was beautiful and I will carry it in my heart for a long time.  To all those who supported and prayed for this trip, I am so grateful!

When I started the Lausanne journey a year ago, I had been discouraged by the global church and its shortcomings and failures.  But in this past year, I have met people from all around the world, from places that I've never heard of, each doing their part to make this world a better place, striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Most people I have met are not doing phenomenal things but small things, unknown to many around them, and that has been so encouraging.  Every person trying in their own sphere of influence, based on their passion and interests, to make this world a better place.  

The week at Lausanne was a precious time as it was a glimpse of the global church with 5000 people from 202 countries.  All regions of the world were intentionally included in the speaker panels.  There was also great intentionality on the part of the planners for connection and discussions, and week-long table assignments facilitated that.  The men from my own group (see picture) became dear brothers to me during the week. Together we celebrated, lamented, agreed and disagreed about the work of the global church.  

I'm still processing the week, especially as I catch up on sleep and recover from jet lag, so more will come later.  But here are some takeaway quotes from some of the speakers:

“We must seek and show the whole world the beauty of the whole body of Christ!

 Not just one tiny part. To be honest, even on the most beautiful person, if you just see their big toe or their elbow, you might think they are quite ugly!

So let’s show the whole world, the whole body of Christ!”  

Michael Oh

“Witnessing in the workplace is woven into the DNA of the early church.”

— Julia GarschagenLessons from Acts: Christian Witness in the Workplace

"Yet for all our diversity, there is only one kind of Christian who is able to carry forward the Great Commission. There is only one kind of preacher or proclaimer,
one kind of pastor or church planter, one kind of mission strategist or marketplace mobilizer who is able to do the true work of evangelism anywhere in this world: someone who embraces Christlike servanthood as a way of life."

Philip Ryken, Lessons from Acts: Christlike Servanthood

“I believe that every missional community will pay a cost no matter what. The question is: will it be the cost of staying silent while false teachings divide us, or the cost of breaking the silence with true teaching that should unite us?”

Anne ZakiLessons from Acts: The Missional Community as God's New Society

“My encouragement to senior leaders in the room is this — we need you.
It is impossible for this emerging generation to fulfill the call of God without experienced leaders who are willing to be a shade over our boldness and who will intercede for our healing.”

Sam CooperMissional Engagement: God's Mission Through Intergenerational Disciples

“Persecution will never kill the church, but a compromised gospel will.”

Patrick FungLessons from Acts: Persecution and Mission

“The greatest manifestation of love is suffering.”

— Farshid FathiMissiological Engagement: God's Mission Amidst Challenge and Adversity

“In the eyes of great and mighty God, no matter how much you bring or little you bring to the table, it’s still five loaves and three fishes. It is not how much or what you bring to the table but in whose hand you place them.”

— Jiyoung Yoo, Collaborative Action Team

Saturday, September 21, 2024

This week: Lausanne Congress #4

[Update on the time in Singapore and Indonesia will come next week.  This week I want to focus on what is happening with the Lausanne Congress.]

Today, in Seoul, South Korea, 5,000 people from around the world will gather to begin a week-long discussion as representatives of the global church, seeking to address how the church can engage in global opportunities and challenges.  An additional 5,000 people will be online.

But this is not an event that happens as a one-off conference.  The work and build-up to this started a year ago, and the expectation is that those who are engaged will continue to do this work of networking and collaboration for the foreseeable future.  The effort to pull this off has been significant and as one of the attendees, I have deep appreciation for the work that has gone into this through the efforts of more than 1000 volunteers.  

Just two weeks ago, Lausanne released the State of the Great Commission report, which can be downloaded here.  Be aware that this report is over 500 pages, so it isn't for the faint of heart!  But there was a lot of research that was done with more than 100 authors and there is a lot of great content.  

In this report, Lausanne has identified twenty-five "gaps" in fulfilling the Great Commission, which will be addressed during the week.  These 25 gaps come out of the following seven questions:

  1. How can emerging population blocks be reached?
  2. What is ministry in a digital age?
  3. What does it mean to be human?
  4. What is polycentric mission?
  5. How can spirituality and holiness define missions?
  6. What is community?
  7. What is our influence on society?
If you are interested in learning more about these gaps, you can go here for brief videos and descriptions of each.  I have been assigned to #7, looking specifically at "Societal Trust and Influence of Christianity," asking this question:  How might the church, parachurch, and workplace reach and disciple others in a Christlike way which rebuilds societal trust and demonstrates the gospel's plausibility through Kingdom influence?  Research shows that the church is either maintaining or losing trust in society.  How do we rebuild this trust?  How can we live as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God in every sphere and sector of society?

Important questions to wrestle with and even more important that there is collaboration going forward.  Societal trust and influence seem to be at an all-time low for the global church, due to many different issues.

While this past year has been a flurry of activity, reading, learning, communicating, and meeting with people around the world, I have been so very encouraged by all the ministries and individuals that I have met who are trying, in their own way, to make this world a better place and to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  

Please pray that we may lay our egos and personal ministry agendas aside, to network and collaborate for the building of the global church, for the flourishing of all of creation, and for the glory of God.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Beautiful Uganda: Lake Victoria and the Nile River

Greetings from Singapore!  Last year I met a wonderful sister in the Lord at the Beyond Business Conference in Hyderabad, India, and she invited me to Singapore and Indonesia to share the message of DML.  She has been working with universities and Bible schools across Southeast Asia teaching entrepreneurship and has many connections who need to hear the message of "work as worship."  So when I had a week between the Ugandan conferences and the Lausanne Congress in South Korea, she jumped at the opportunity to schedule some meetings.  I will speak at three Bible Colleges on the island of Batam, which is about 70% Muslim and 20% Christian.  This sister is also going to Lausanne, so we will travel there together on Saturday. We expect to have an amazing time as the global church sits down to work out how to be a healthy body of Christ!

Last week in Uganda, we had a wonderful time with the Pentecostal Theological College in Mbale, Uganda and they are hoping to integrate our courses into their curriculum.  We thank God for this! 

I then had the joy of spending a couple of days with a friend who joined me on the Uganda portion of this trip, and we visited the source of the Nile River and a beautiful island on Lake Victoria covered in birds.  What an amazing creation God has made!

Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world (the first being Lake Superior).  It covers almost 60,000 square kilometers and connects to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.  Many rivers flow into Lake Victoria, but there is only one outlet to the (White) Nile River.  At that point, you can see the water bubbling up to the surface from the springs below (see picture below).  About 33% of the water that flows from Lake Victoria from the Nile is from the spring, and the rest is from the lake.  

The water then travels 6,800 km (4,000 miles) over 90 days to reach the Mediterranean Sea, traveling through South Sudan, Sudan, and Egypt, joined by the Blue Nile River, coming out of Ethiopia.  Tributaries contributing to Lake Victoria are also in Burundi, Rwanda, Eritrea, and the DRC, bringing the number of African countries impacted and impacting this water source to twelve.  This means there needs to be lots of cooperation relating to this very important water source!

We learned that close to where we were, on Lake Victoria, were two prisons, built right on the lake.  We were told that many Ugandans do not swim, therefore the lake served as a natural protection against escape.  The crocodiles are also a big part of that deterrent.  Many factories have been built along the waterfront for easy access to the ports for export to neighboring countries; unfortunately, many were abandoned after the reign of Edi Amin and are still not functioning.

I don't usually do much tourist stuff so this was fun for me!  (BTW, a little promotion of tourism for Uganda - they have bungee jumping and ziplining over the Nile if you are into adventures!  Plus kayaking, fishing, and more.  A beautiful place to visit!)

The water bubbling up from the springs at the source of the Nile.

Rapids further down the Nile from the source.  We met several people worshipping other gods here - praying to the river.  That has been happening for many centuries - we pray for all to recognize the power of God in this river!

These trees are FULL of birds - all around this small island.  So beautiful.  (It's also a bit dangerous to walk under the trees, as there are a lot of droppings!  And yes, that happened to me.)

Monday, September 9, 2024

A new name for God? God as......waiter??!

This week in Kampala, I visited the Gaddafi Mosque, an amazing building built on the highest hill in Kampala and able to hold 25,000 people for prayer.  On one of the walls were written the 99 names that Muslims have for Allah.  As Christians, we also have many names for the Trinity.  Some favorites come from Isaiah:  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  

But this week, I learned that some Christians have another name for God.  Well, maybe not a name per se, but definitely a perception of God that is VERY different than my own.  Let me share with you a quote that I heard this week from an American pastor who was also a speaker at the church conference in Uganda, where I was this past week:

"Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He is sitting down.  He is not working.  And He will sit there until He returns.  And it is the same for you.  You do not need to work.  You need to sit there and wait for Him.  It's like you are in a restaurant.  The waiter sits you down.  Then he sits other people down.  Then he comes back for your order and you put it in.  He then goes to get the orders of the other customers.  After some time, you can see that the orders are being brought to those who came after you and you wonder where your order is!  But just wait.  God is going to bring you your order!"

God as a waiter.  A God who takes orders.  A God whose job is to serve us.  

This is NOT the God I serve.  

The theme for this conference was "Possess the Land."  It was a theme that I admitted made me a bit nervous, especially with the history of colonization, tribalism, and civil war.  But I was able to teach it by adding the phrase, "Possessing the Land for the Kingdom of God."  I taught about how we are the hands and feet of Christ, and how we are to work as agents of reconciliation in our relationships to God, each other, and to creation and work.  My goal, given to me by the leaders of the denomination, was to help people recognize the ability of every member to contribute to the flourishing of Uganda, their families, and the church, by using their time, treasure, and talent (what is in their hand) for the glory of God, seven days a week.

The US team that came to speak had a very different goal. Actually, it was a contradictory message, which was frustrating for me and confusing for the audience.

The speaker quoted above said, "Taking possession of the land is more about receiving than working.  Just receive it.  I need you to worship and just receive your inheritance.  You don't have to work for your inheritance.  My son does not need to work for his inheritance - he will receive it.  The prodigal son did not work for his inheritance - he just received it.  You need to do the same."

The prosperity gospel in full.  Just have enough faith, sew a financial seed, and you will get your miracle.  It made me sick to hear hour after hour of this.  I had heard prosperity gospel messages before and have read books on this as well.  But to hear it live for this many hours was a first for me. As the week went on, I moved from feeling sick to feeling angry.  

In my mind, the prosperity gospel is similar to selling lottery tickets to the poor.  They pay something (which is nicely phrased as "sowing a seed" in the hopes of getting a big cash out. 

I tried to recraft every hour I was given to speak to come against this message.  The one line that often gets people clapping in many churches that are not focused on the prosperity gospel is, "The spirit of poverty cast out by prayer alone will return again."  When I said it last week, there was no applause, just silence with a look of confusion on some faces.  

Brothers and sisters, this message has been exported from the US to the rest of the world, and it continues to this day.  It needs to be combatted.  People are wasting their lives, believing that they must spend their time in church praying for a miracle, afraid of working because they also are being taught that wealth will lead to losing their salvation.  

We need to be in prayer about this and we also need to share the message that God is King (as opposed to servant) wherever we can.  Many doors are opening for this message and we are trying to build capacity in new trainers as quickly as we can. Please join us! (Click here for more details.)