Just a Moment... Just a Moment...
Hi Folks. I'm supposed to be posting about "Ghana Today," but I don't feel like it. I'll give the "Reedside view of today's Ghana" soon, but I'm thinking a rest from all that learning is in order. I've posted some nice Ghana pictures just the same; they were published on the net by others who've visited. Of these beautiful Ghana images, I boast nothing but the good fortune of running across them.
Meanwhile, the Reeds are fully embedded in a long Grand Rapids winter. In fact, as I hunt and peck, we are in the grips of another frigid storm with temps in the 20sF and six inches of blowing, drifting snow expected. We are also in the midst of a long wait to return to new responsibilities in West Africa and a new home in Accra. Hannah and Noah are in no hurry to leave new friends and activities, but Renita and I are champing at the bit to get started. The delay is due to the fact that Renita is applying for US citizenship and the process takes a few months. We can't leave until she gets it.
Its a bit of a bummer. My colleagues, the CRWRC West Africa Ministry Team, are meeting right now in Jos, Nigeria and I would normally be there. And in Liberia, a team of people from four West African countries and the US and Canada are meeting with LEAD and the University of Liberia to discuss future partnerships. The LEAD conference is also taking place. with the Vice President of Liberia offering the keynote. Renita is missing it, as she is very much a part of what is happening there. So on this snowy Saturday, we are a little sad.
Time to bake cookies.
The view from our front porch. I'm really noticing that stop sign-- a metaphor for our lives.
So let's enjoy the pause! Inside, daughter and mother bake cookies. Twelve dozen cookies.
Noah eats cookie dough and hangs out with friends in the cyber Carribbean world of Disney's Pirates site. Or maybe he's playing Stronghold. Or Spore. Or Age of Empires. Or--well, you get it.
Ok, and now for life 5700 miles away. A few Ghana images as we continue this online orientation of our next homeland.
The Accra skyline. A modern city of two million.
Fishing boats along the Accra beaches. Like other West Africans, Ghanaians love their fish.
Another colorful Accra market. I think you can recognize everything, right?
Not bad, eh? A typical Ghanaian beach down the road from Accra.
In the 'burbs, more construction as the city expands.
Sheep in the yard.
The train from Accra to Kumasi.
Kumasi, Ghana. Population 1,500,000.
Traveling through a village, market tables waiting for market day.
Northern Ghana.
Fishing boats along the Accra beaches. Like other West Africans, Ghanaians love their fish.
Another colorful Accra market. I think you can recognize everything, right?
Not bad, eh? A typical Ghanaian beach down the road from Accra.
In the 'burbs, more construction as the city expands.
Sheep in the yard.
The train from Accra to Kumasi.
Kumasi, Ghana. Population 1,500,000.
Traveling through a village, market tables waiting for market day.
Northern Ghana.