Monday, October 16, 2023

Home Sweet Home

For six of the past seven weeks, I have been on the road.  On this trip there were seventeen beds in fourteen cities, in five countries.  There were ten speaking engagements with 160 hours in workshops, of which I taught for over 100 of those hours.  There were many meetings in-between as well, along with many hours of preparation in-between.  Wow.  Makes me a bit tired to write that out!  The map shows the places I visited in September.  I am so thankful for all the people I was able to meet, the DML teams who joined me in the work, and the amazing supporters who help to make all of this possible!

I'm now back in Michigan for about ten days, before heading to California for a short conference.  It's good to be home!  

Last week, I spent time recording our Integrity and Finance class, as well as our Financial Freedom Class for Families at a studio in Harlingen, Texas.  I taught 21 thirty-minute videoed sessions with a professional camera crew, who will then edit and release the videos so that our partners can do voice-overs as needed.  This is a very important opportunity as it allows us to move away from trainers and toward facilitators.  Facilitators are easier to equip, as they are able to play the video, pause and have discussions.  It allows us to standardize the material more. 

We have partnered with an organization called Nation to Nation Christian University, who has bartered with us to be able to put our courses into their own curriculum, in exchange for allowing us free use of their studio.  This is a win-win!  Nation to Nation works in more than 50 countries, offering four-year degrees to more than 30,000 students around the world, in theology, community development, leadership and more.  

Last year, we recorded our Foundational Workshop, Basic Business 1 and Basic Business II, as well as our Entrepreneurship Course.  We thank God for these courses that are being used and translated in many parts of the world!

So thankful to get back to Michigan which is full into fall with beautiful colors on the trees everywhere!