The graduating business class |
Sign in Ghana |
You see, over and over again, I am told that the ministry of Discipling Marketplace Leaders is not a new concept. It is a forgotten truth in need of rediscovery. It is Biblical. It is so evident throughout the Old and New Testament when we look closely and study the Word. And when people see that, the light bulb goes on and they can run with it. And they are!
And now DML is beginning to learn more from those who are implementing. I sat in the Advisory Council meeting in Kitale for DML Kenya and listened with amazement at the learning that was happening on the ground of what works and what doesn't, and the creative ideas to be more effective, especially as it relates to ongoing discipleship. The churches involved understand that this is not a program - it needs to be an ongoing ministry so that "business as mission" doesn't revert back to "business as usual." And I thanked God to be a small part of this work.
Church-based Business as Mission class |
Maged and Paula, from Egypt, sharing with the church. |
I close today with the following prayer from one of my favorite prayer books Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder. The prayer is called "I Claim Your Power to Create" which reminds me of the creativity in each of us, made in the image of God. People in poverty often find it difficult to release their potential. People in business often get sucked into working only for profit, and miss the opportunity to release their potential and see the image of God in themselves through their work. Yet this is a powerful gift designed to bless this world and help people to flourish.
O Ingenious One,
it is not only creation,
but creativity that awes me.
It is a wondrous, fearsome thing that you share your power to create.
O Mysterious One,
I shrink from your power, yet I claim it;
and it is mine by your genius or madness,
this power to speak and have light burst upon a mind or darkness descend upon a heart;
this power to make music to which souls dance or armies march;
this power to mold and paint and carve and so spin out the stars by which I plot my course to heaven or to hell;
this power to hear and touch and taste the love and truth by which life itself is birthed and built, or the hate and lies by which it shrivels and dies
O Daring One,
it is an awesome power you've shared;
and I rejoice in the artists who dare to use their gift to create the beauty which casts this world into a more whole and holy dimension,
who dare to breathe visions and vibrations into dullness,
as you breathed life into dust.
O Gracious One,
it is an awesome power you've shared;
and I honor your power
not only in pianist, poet, and painter,
but in those whose encouragement ignites my heart,
whose laughter lights up a room,
whose touch fills a void,
whose integrity inspires my will,
whose commitments build a church,
whose compassion builds a community,
whose demands stretch my soul,
and whose love makes my day;
and I honor your power in those artists of kitchen and office and shop,
of courtroom and classroom and sickroom;
in those crazy people who somehow know the world is always unfinished,
and who happily risk pushing and shoving and tugging and pounding and making love to it
until it and all of us come out in more glorious shape.
O Ingenious One,
it is not only creation, but creativity that awes me.
It is a wondrous, fearsome thing that you share your power to create.