Weather - I left Grand Rapids on Tuesday with the temperature in the mid40s and arrived in Accra on Wednesday to a balmy 95F - it felt like going from the fridge to the oven. As I write in Accra, it is 87F, with a humidity of 83% and dew-point at 72%. And I see in Grand Rapids it is 34F. I think I prefer warm to cold, after being so cold in Grand Rapids that my body hurt. Noah prefers cold to warm because it is easier to layer up and warm up, but cooling down is difficult without AC. And you?
The big advantage was being able to see Hannah again, after saying goodbye to her at Calvin College a month earlier. She picked me up at the airport and it was good to have a little time to hang out together and talk. Overall she seems to be doing well - she just has to figure out the homework versus sleep versus social life issue that seems to plague many freshmen (and upperclassmen as well). It's time for mid-term exams already, which is hard to believe.
Noah also finished the first quarter of his senior year and his teachers (and report card) indicate that he continues to do well. He has taken some leadership roles this year and is currently serving as president of the Student Council, is on the debate team, working as a Teacher Assistant for two teachers, and has taken a leadership role with the planning and organizing for the senior trip. In his spare time he is working out at a local gym, playing the electric guitar, doing homework, and continues to enjoy video games. He recently took the SATs again and is happy to be finally done with that, as he now needs to begin applying for colleges next year. He is pretty set on going to Calvin College as well, although some other colleges are beginning to catch his eye and attention.
The election in Liberia was peaceful, with high turnout, so we are thankful for that. Unfortunately, no candidate carried 51% of the vote, so a run-off election has been scheduled for November 8 between the top two candidates, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Winston Tubman. There were the usual declarations of election fraud by the losers, but other than a few minor incidents, the country seems to be preparing for the run-off. I am planning to travel to Liberia on November 11 with two guests, so we pray that the run-off will not interfere with that trip.
The happy family. |
At the Partners Worldwide staff meetings this past week, the following YouTube clip was shown from National Geographic, which I thought was enjoyable and something you might enjoy as well. It has to do with "how typical are you?" and gives some food for thought in this changing world.
Blessings to all of you this week!