Monday, April 22, 2024

Divine Dimensions: A 3-D Approach to Discipleship

Greetings from Cameroon!  This past week has been very full with DML foundational workshops, Economic of Hope workshops, meetings with the Full Gospel Church and the Body of Christ Church, as well as planning for the launch of BAM Cameroon.  The week culminated in seven hours of church services yesterday at two different churches, which included the commissioning of new marketplace ministers.

As we dialogue with churches and pastors who are so passionate about the Great Commission, I continue to gain new insights into the message that God has invited us to share.  This past week, one pastor said, “I now realize that I have been keeping my people in captivity.  I have held them back from being part of the priesthood of believers.”  Another said, “I have not been a coach to my members for how they can be ambassadors for Christ outside the building.  I have been too focused on my programs and not on how God can use them.”

As the DML Cameroon team processed these comments, we realized that the call to make disciples is three-dimensional.  When we focus only on developing our personal relationship with God, it is one dimensional (vertical) – me and God, and the impact does not go further.  In this case, we are often waiting for heaven.  When we focus on bringing in the Great Commandment, and integrate our faith into how we relate with those around us, it becomes two-dimensional.  Now we have both vertical and horizontal integration of faith and the people around us.  But it is still flat.  When we bring in the third Great Directive of God, the Great Commitment of Genesis 1 and 2, we seek to bring about the Kingdom of God and the flourishing of ALL things – all of creation, all creatures, all of humanity.  Now it is three-dimensional.  That is when it comes to life.

For many, Christianity has been flat – it has not come off the page.  It has not seen the impact in nation-building, in transformation.  We have repeated the problem that Israel faced – being nations WITH priests rather than being nations OF priests.

When we equip every member to be the church in every place and space, we begin to experience the fullness that God intended from the very beginning. 

We serve a 3-D God who invites not only humanity to worship Him, but all of creation! Let's join Him by helping all of creation to glorify God!