Tuesday, June 1, 2021

And now on to Liberia...

Last week was spent in Liberia, both in Monrovia and Kakata.  We are working with the Harvest Intercontinental Ministries, whose churches are spread throughout the country of Liberia, as well as six continents around the world.  They had their annual conference this past week and the presiding bishop from the US, along with a number of other bishops, gathered in Liberia for meetings.  

The presiding bishop, Dr. Darlingston G. Johnson, wrote a book in 2008 called Anointed for the Marketplace.  Reading that book was like reading our own writings for Discipling Marketplace Leaders.  I continue to marvel at how God calls together His people who are like-minded and passionate in similar areas -  it has been this way since we started this ministry.  It shouldn't be a surprise to me, as it is how we were created to be.  It is a joy to meet like-minded Christian leaders.  In our meeting, the Bishop said that he has been passionate about this for years but has not had the tools to move it forward in the church.  It is a great joy to join them on this journey.

The person assigned to DML for the Harvest Intercontinental Ministries in Liberia is Dr. Jacob Meiporkoyah as well as Pastor Lisa Travis.  The two of them make a powerful team and we already have trained the regional leaders for the church.  We look forward to see what God is going to do in the next year!  I was privileged to preach in Dr. Jacob's church last week Sunday, and to do a radio interview with Pastor Lisa as well (see pictures below).  

I also had the joy to see "Baby Renita" again, who is no longer a baby by any means!  If you don't remember the story, her mom, Patience, was 16 when she had Renita and we had the privilege of taking care of Baby Renita for the first year of her life during our last year in Liberia.  Renita is now 12 years old and is a bright and beautiful young lady!  

I am thankful to God for what He is doing in and through His church in Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, and Liberia.  I'm also thankful for the safe travel from place to place, a safe return home, and thankful for the prayers that were lifted on behalf of this work.  Blessings!

Patience, her fiancé Amos, their daughter Renita, and son Amos.  A lovely family and a wedding planned for this December!
Baby Renita and Renita in 2008

Renita and Renita in 2021

Dr. Jacob (right), the DML leader for HIM in Liberia, Pastor Moses (middle), who is also helping with DML, and myself.

Pastor Lisa Travis, interviewing me for their radio program, "Harvesting the Marketplace."

The first batch of DML trainers certificated in Liberia!

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