Monday, June 19, 2023

The Danger of Free

Many of us know the danger of giving things for free, but I heard this recently and liked the way it was put together:

The first time you give someone something for free, you create appreciation.

The second time you give someone something for free, you create anticipation.

The third time you give someone something for free, you create expectation.

The fourth time you give someone something for free, you create entitlement.

The fifth time you give someone something for free, you create dependency.

Then, if you don't give something for free a sixth time, there may be resentment and even hatred

This challenge is global, as churches and pastors in many places (especially places with poverty) are constantly being asked for funds.  We have been teaching boldly that the church should not see businesspeople as an ATM but neither should the members see the pastor as an ATM.  

Be very careful that your generosity does not lead someone else's dependency.  The highest form of charity, according to Jewish tradition, is help someone find employment in order for the person to support themselves.  Too often we settle for a lower form of charity, as described in the levels of charitable giving.

So we encourage you to support and encourage a local employer today!  Thank them for the important work they are doing in providing salaries that sustain individuals and families!  Pray for them as they care for their employees, that they may see them as part of their household and seek their flourishing.

DML is making sustainability projects a priority for each of our partners, challenging them to see how they can raise funds from within their own country and churches for the support of this ministry, or doing a business to help raise local funds, thereby also practicing what they are preaching.  We are excited by some of the ideas that we are hearing and continue to pray that we may continue to work in ways that promote healthy relationships and the flourishing of all!

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