Sunday, February 18, 2024

Business, Babies, and Birds

Two years ago, when DML first started working in South Asia, I met a young couple who was having some challenges in their business, which was also having a negative impact on their marriage.  They were able to receive some counseling, made some changes and adjustments, and last year when I met them, it was clear that they were doing much better.  I visited their business and saw that there were still some important areas of improvement needed, which we discussed.  Before we left, they showed me the small apartment that they had behind their shop - essentially two rooms - and the wife pulled me aside and asked me very earnestly whether I thought it was time for them to start trying to have children.

In my experience, this is not a typical question, and I was a little surprised!  But of course, I answered that I would be happy to pray for them and if they feel ready and it is God's will, He will provide.  So we prayed together. [I later learned that the husband is an orphan, and the wife is from a different religion who has essentially cut her off as she married for love (not an arranged marriage) and left their religion for Christianity.  So they seek advice from brothers and sisters in the Lord who are now their new family!]

Three months later, I learned she was pregnant, and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl at the end of November.  

And to my absolute surprise and delight, they had the baby dedication service last week and I was asked to give the message and the prayer after the dedication.  What an honor!  What a joy!

I spoke about being "born on purpose and for a purpose," but mostly spoke to the parents about their call to be dedicated as stewards of this gift.  They have been given a gift, but it is not for them alone.  They are raising God's daughter (Deuteronomy 6).  In this country, gender reveals are not allowed as too many will terminate a pregnancy if it is a girl (despite abortion being illegal).  This is so sad so affirming a message of "on purpose, for purpose" for a female baby was near and dear to my heart!

During the service, the baby was fussing.  Mom was bouncing her up and down to keep her quiet and had to leave the service several times to tend to the baby.  After the message, the pastor did the dedication, and then called me to take the baby and say the prayer.  I worried about whether she would be still or fuss and cry.  They laid the baby in my hands, I lifted her to the Lord, and said a long prayer.  And amazingly, the baby was quiet throughout.  Didn't move a muscle!

What a joy to be part of the family of God, the body of Christ, which can extend across miles, nations, and continents!

After the service, we went to a newly planted church in a community where there was none before.  So many trials and such persecution for this dear pastor and businessman, his wife, and their beautiful children.  This man had been in the training of trainers the previous week, where we were training people to teach basic business skills.  He had stated that one of his economic goals was to grow his number of chickens from 2 to 50 by August 2024.  He said that on a Thursday, and three days later, when we came to visit, he said he had already seen an increase his chickens by 8 to a new total of 10!  Eight new chicks had hatched, and he was thrilled!  He told me very confidently that he was sure he would reach 50 by August!

These are the little joyful moments that I get to be a part of and as partners in this ministry, it's a joy to share this with you as well!  Please continue to pray that perspectives may change to see work as a joy and an act of worship, and that churches may see that the purpose of Sunday is Monday!

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