Sunday, October 6, 2024

Kingdom Hope Unfurled

A theme of this blog for the past several years is a Kingdom vision versus a church vision.  A Kingdom vision sees all the world flourishing as God originally intended, with every person being agents of reconciliation.  A church vision is often limited to the flourishing of the building and the people inside, and the work of the church is limited to volunteering for the programs of the church.  

Last week at Lausanne, we had an opportunity to glimpse a Kingdom vision, far beyond a church or denomination, with mechanical engineers, economic professors, pastors, and NGO leaders all sitting at the table to discuss what flourishing looks like for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

The Gettys were one of the worship teams during the week, and there is one song that I just can't get out of my head.  The name of the song is, "Facing a Task Unfinished" (sung to the tune of "The Church's One Foundation") - the lyrics and the YouTube video are below.  It is a beautiful song, with inspirational words that "rebukes our slothful ease," but the words that capture me are these:

We go to all the world, with Kingdom Hope unfurled...

"Kingdom hope unfurled."  What beautiful imagery!  The Kingdom of God, the author of hope, joy, peace, and flourishing, raising or unfurling a flag throughout the world.  A flag planted in soil makes a claim of ownership.  It is a Kingdom that promises good not evil, that provides meaning and purpose in every day for every person, where "my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands...for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them" (Isaiah 65:22-23). How we long to see this flag unfurled.  

How we long to see hope in the eyes of our brothers and sisters, both at home and around the world! 

How we long to see the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven; not waiting for the Lord's return, when that will be a sure thing, but actively participating and working toward it in our own ways, in our own sphere of influence!

I have the joy and pleasure of seeing lightbulbs go on when people realize that work is not a curse; that work is a gift; that work is more than a paycheck, but a chance to contribute to the flourishing of others; that their work matters to God; that they were created on purpose and for a purpose, which can be lived out every day; and that work can be done as an act of worship. What a privilege to see new hope on the faces of those who hear this message and then the stories of impact as they begin to live it out.  

This past week, the DML Zambia team had a zoom call with us to share with great excitement what is happening in the churches and businesses who are hearing and living out this message.  Their goal was to share their excitement and to be an encouragement to us!  It is calls like that that gives me hope to believe that Christians can be agents of reconciliation in bringing about "kingdom hope unfurled."

This week, I travel to Trinidad and Tobago to share the message of "work as worship."  Another new country, another new culture, another new opportunity to work with like-minded brothers and sisters in participating in this message.  Please pray for this seed to find a home where it too can flourish.

And if you don't know this song, please click the link below.  But beware, it may also get stuck in your head!

Keith & Kristyn Getty - Facing A Task Unfinished (Lyric Video) (

Facing a Task Unfinished 

Facing a task unfinished, That drives us to our knees, A need that undiminished, Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee, Renew before Thy throne, The solemn pledge we owe Thee, To go and make Thee known
Where other Lords beside Thee, Hold their unhindered sway, Where forces that defied Thee, Defy Thee still today
With none to heed their crying, For life and love and light, Unnumbered souls are dying, And pass into the night
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
We bear the torch that flaming, Fell from the hands of those, Who gave their lives proclaiming, That Jesus died and rose
Ours is the same commission, The same glad message ours, Fired by the same ambition, To Thee we yield our powers
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
O Father who sustained them, O Spirit who inspired, Saviour, whose love constrained them, To toil with zeal untired
From cowardice defend us, From lethargy awake!, Forth on Thine errands send us, To labour for Thy sake
Chorus: We go to all the world, With kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord
Chorus: We go to all the world, His kingdom hope unfurled, No other name has power to save, But Jesus Christ The Lord